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A. Paul, A. Kascheyev, M. Rodriguez-Bouza, K. Pathak, A.A. Ferreira, D. Shetti, and J.N. Yao (2018)

Latitudinal features of Total Electron Content over the African and European longitude sector following the St. Patrick’s day storm of 2015

Advances in Space Research, 61(7):1890 - 1900.

GNSS TEC values have been obtained from 18 stations distributed from the magnetic equator to nearly 80°N magnetic dip in the African and west-European longitude sector corresponding to the March 17–18, 2015 geomagnetic storm. Significantly depleted ionosphere have been observed at stations north of 50°N geographic on March 18, 2015 following the above storm over a longitude swath 11.9°–21°E covering the Eastern Africa and Western European longitude sector. High ROTI values were noted on March 17th at locations around 80°N magnetic dip. Two prominent peaks in PCN were noted around 09:00 UT and 14:00 UT on March 17, 2015 and around 15:00 UT on March 18, 2015. Daytime thermospheric (O/N2) ratio was markedly less on March 18th at latitudes above 60°N geographic which is suggested to be the major driver behind depleted high latitude ionosphere during the recovery phase of the storm on March 18, 2015.

St. Patrick's day storm 2015, GNSS TEC, Ionospheric response over African and European longitudes, Occurrence of ionization depleted regions above 60°N geographic latitude on March 18, 2015
Studies on Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere from Equatorial to Mid Latitudes - Recent Investigations and Improvements - Part 2
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